
Gokce K Ustunisik, Ph.D., an associate professor in the 部门 Geology and Geological Engineering at 南达科他州矿山, and Alexander Rogaski, who completed his master's degree at 矿山 under Ustunisik, have produced minerals found on Mars by experimentally mimicking the conditions in Martian fumaroles, or vents found in areas of volcanic activity.

他们的工作, 发表在 的期刊 Meteoritics and Planetary Science, indicates ongoing volcanism on the red planet. 科学家们 only recently discovered 火星可能会 have areas of active volcanos. “两 ...

南达科塔州 矿山 has created a new multidisciplinary Center for Sustainable Solutions. The center will be a hub for research and development around sustainability including water quality, emerging contaminants, agriculture, infrastructure, carbon capture, biofuels, bioplastics, environmental stewardship and more.

“As society faces increasingly complex problems, providing sustainable solutions requires integrative partnerships and approaches that build convergence of many disciplines with research and support for stakeholders at all levels,” says Lisa Kunza, Ph.D., an associate professor in the 部门 Chemistry, Biology and 健康 Sciences and the director of the new center at 矿山.

In the last five years leading up to establishing the Center for Sustainable Solutions, there have been nearly 50 faculty and researchers from eight departments on campus participating in the efforts. “作为一个 institution of higher education, it is imperative to have many graduate and undergraduate students trained in the collaborative environment that the Center for Sustainable Solutions provides while tying the innovative efforts to support the needs of the people,” says Kunza.

The center will help serve the needs of a wide range 合作伙伴,来自 协助 部门 Defense (DoD) in mitigating emerging ...

Wildfire smoke may have a significant impact on the efficiency of solar panels and the overall effort to transition nation's energy production from fossil fuels to more solar based systems, according to research published by Long Zhao, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the 部门 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at 南达科他州矿山 and director of the Smart Grid and Energy 研究 Lab at 南达科他州矿山.

Zhao's work, conducted over the last two years when wildfire smoke blanketed parts of the American West, shows that widespread smoke can reduce the output of individual solar panels by nearly 50% -- even on days when smoke is present at high altitudes and air quality near the 地面 is not significantly impacted.

“It depends on where you are,” says Zhao. 它使 sense that solar energy production is negatively impacted on very smoky days, but Zhao's team was surprised to see reductions in solar energy output when wildfire smoke was aloft higher in atmosphere. “This makes it harder to quantify days when smoke will impact solar energy production based on air quality monitoring systems we have in place,” he says.  他的 work will be 发表在 the Journal IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

Unlike passing clouds, that can reduce solar energy generation for a short duration, wildfire smoke can...

Sliding on ice at speeds exceeding 90 mph is terrifying for most people, but the USA Luge team is seeking assistance from the U.S. 军队 Engineer 研究 and Development Center (ERDC) along with academic and industry leaders to go even faster.

In the sport's rule book, luge is afforded a great deal of engineering leeway to customize their sleds and runners. 他们有自己的 own team of technicians to manufacture the sleds, and athletes routinely engage in the design/build process making luge not only a competition of technique but also one of technology.

It's all about moving fast on ice, and as such, the team reached out to Dr. 艾米丽 Asenath-Smith, lead of the Ice Adhesion Facility at ERDC's Cold Regions 研究 and Engineering 实验室(CRREL).

“We first started discussions about high-speed ice friction research about six years ago,” said Asenath-Smith. “Ice adhesion and ice friction are both interface phenomena. They are essentially ice interacting with materials, and they are very related research areas."

“CRREL has worked in this space for a number of years,” she added. “军队在乎 a lot about ice friction whether they are pulling sleds in cold regions or driving vehicles across frozen 地面.”

Unfortunately, when USA Luge first contacted Asenath-Smith, there wasn't enough time to develop a productive collaboration.

“They were getting ready for the 20...